A conversation on twitter prompted me to type out a quick and dirty way of getting your podcast hosted for less than a $1 a month using Rackspace Cloud Files. I’ve mentioned this in passing before, but here’s how to do this. Forgive me on not being very detailed. If you have questions, feel free to contact me, maybe I’ll update this post later.
STEP 1: First get a Rackspace Cloud account: http://cart.rackspace.com/cloud
STEP 2: Once set up, use Cloud Files to upload your episodes: http://support.rackspace.com/how-to/getting-started-with-cloud-files-and-cdn/
Create a container
- Log in to the Cloud Control Panel.
- In the top navigation bar, select Storage > Files.
- Click Create Container.
- Name the container, and then click Create Container.
- Click the gear icon next to the container to be made public and select Make Public (Enable CDN).
- Click Publish to CDN.
You can now share the files within the container.
Upload files to the container
- Click on the name of the container to which you want to upload files.
- Click Upload Files and select the files to upload.
- Click Open.
- After the file is uploaded, click Close Window.The file appears the list of available files within the container.
- Click the gear icon next to your file and select View All Links.Options for sharing your file are displayed.
STEP 3: Get a website, WordPress has podcasting built in and is easy to use. Keeping with the theme of making this as cheap as possible, get a free WordPress site at http://www.wordpress.com
STEP 4: Follow this guide to set up podcasting via WordPress: http://codex.wordpress.org/Podcasting
If you are using wordpress.com’s free hosting, you can just add /feed to the site. http://yoursitename.wordpress.com/feed/ Will be the rss that you can use to subscribe to your podcast.
Again, this is super quick overview, the links to the guides should fill in the details. Hit me up if you want more info.